El Camino - The Road
2023 - at Embassy of Mexico
with the support of
Embassy of Bulgaria, The Hague, the Netherlands
“El Camino - The Road” Exhibition Celebrates Multiculturalism and Interconnectedness.
The “El Camino - The Road” exhibition, featuring the work of Bulgarian/Dutch artist Valentin Bakardjiev, opened on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at the Embassy of Mexico in The Hague. The exhibition was opened with speeches from Mexican Ambassador José Antonio Zabalgoitia and Bulgarian Ambassador Konstantin Dimitrov. In their speeches, both ambassadors praised the exhibition for its celebration of multiculturalism and its exploration of the interconnectedness of all living things.
The exhibition features a variety of works created by Bakardjiev using corn leaves, a central symbol of Mexican culture. Bakardjiev transforms and revitalizes the leaves with his creative hands, using a particular design of colors to create a range of pre-Columbian lattices. Bakardjiev's project frames and focuses on nature, reminding us that we are part of it and promoting the importance of keeping the planet clean.
The opening of "El Camino - The Road" on Dia de la Raza, a day that celebrates the mixed Indigenous and European heritage of Mexico, is a powerful symbol of the multicultural world we live in.
In attendance at the opening were Arnoldo Brenes Castro (Ambassador of Costa Rica), José de la Fuente (representative, Embassy of Bolivia), Maria Fernanda Vila (Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Chile), Daniel Starr Tenorio (Counselor, Embassy of El Salvador), and Arnoud van Aalst (director of the Rijswijk Museum). Diplomats, art critics, and artists were also among the official guests.
Images: www.jurisefneris.com
“El Camino - The Road” Exhibition Celebrates Multiculturalism and Interconnectedness.
The “El Camino - The Road” exhibition, featuring the work of Bulgarian/Dutch artist Valentin Bakardjiev, opened on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at the Embassy of Mexico in The Hague. The exhibition was opened with speeches from Mexican Ambassador José Antonio Zabalgoitia and Bulgarian Ambassador Konstantin Dimitrov. In their speeches, both ambassadors praised the exhibition for its celebration of multiculturalism and its exploration of the interconnectedness of all living things.
The exhibition features a variety of works created by Bakardjiev using corn leaves, a central symbol of Mexican culture. Bakardjiev transforms and revitalizes the leaves with his creative hands, using a particular design of colors to create a range of pre-Columbian lattices. Bakardjiev's project frames and focuses on nature, reminding us that we are part of it and promoting the importance of keeping the planet clean.
The opening of "El Camino - The Road" on Dia de la Raza, a day that celebrates the mixed Indigenous and European heritage of Mexico, is a powerful symbol of the multicultural world we live in.
In attendance at the opening were Arnoldo Brenes Castro (Ambassador of Costa Rica), José de la Fuente (representative, Embassy of Bolivia), Maria Fernanda Vila (Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Chile), Daniel Starr Tenorio (Counselor, Embassy of El Salvador), and Arnoud van Aalst (director of the Rijswijk Museum). Diplomats, art critics, and artists were also among the official guests.
Images: www.jurisefneris.com
Para el artista Valentin Bakardjiev, de origen búlgaro y por su amor a la gran cultura mexicana.
En el 12 de octubre, fecha memorable en toda Latinoamérica, Valentin Bakardjiev nos introduce en su ámbito estético con el objeto del maíz: Las Hojas del Mundo Mexicano.
El maíz, o hojas de totomoxtle, que con sus manos creativas son transformadas y revitalizadas desde una perspectiva muy sui generis.
En un diseño particular de colores que da origen a una gama de celosías precolombinas, y donde esta materia -las hojas del maíz-, símbolo vertebral en la cultura mexicana, son transformadas en una nota casi musical. Como si el maíz se tratara de una partitura.
Valentin Bakardjiev denota una grandiosa propuesta muy original, tanto en matices como en el color propio que, a lo largo de los años ha logrado consolidar mediante un gran trabajo y una calidad muy especial.
Dentro de la sustentabilidad de este material (hojas de totomoxtle) y bajo la mirada de conservar lo más original posible el color natural de las mismas, sin afectar su proceso estético original, logra adentrarnos en esta excelente exhibición.
Amigos, bienvenidos a esta muestra “El Camino”.
Octubre 2023, La Haya, Los Países Bajos (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Emilio Sánchez Díaz - Artista plástico de Oaxaca, México.
For the artist Valentin Bakardjiev, of Bulgarian origin, and driven by his love for the rich Mexican culture.
On October 12, a memorable date throughout Latin America, the artist introduces us to his aesthetic realm with corn as an object: The Leaves of the Mexican World.
He transforms and revitalizes the corn or totomoxtle leaves with his creative hands from a very sui generis perspective.
In a particular design of colors that gives rise to a range of these pre-Columbian lattices, where this material, corn leaves, a central symbol Mexican culture, is transformed into a musical note that could almost be described as if corn itself is the score.
Valentin Bakardjiev denotes a magnificent and highly original proposal, both in terms of nuances and its very own color palette, which Valentin Bakardjiev has managed to consolidate over the years through hard work and exceptional quality.
Within the sustainability of this material (totomoxtle leaves) and his aim to preserve their natural color as much as possible, without affecting their original aesthetic process. Valentin Bakardjiev succeeds in immersing us in this excellent exhibition.
Dear friends, welcome to this exhibition “El Camino”.
October 2023, The Hague, the Nederlands
Emilio Sánchez Diaz - Visual artist from Oaxaca, México
art bakard